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  • Observable actor logic is described by an observable stream of values. Actors created from observable logic (“observable actors”) can:

    • Emit snapshots of the observable’s emitted value

    The observable’s emitted value is used as its observable actor’s context.

    Sending events to observable actors will have no effect.

    import { fromObservable, createActor } from 'xstate'
    import { interval } from 'rxjs';

    const logic = fromObservable((obj) => interval(1000));

    const actor = createActor(logic);

    actor.subscribe((snapshot) => {

    // At every second:
    // Logs 0
    // Logs 1
    // Logs 2
    // ...
    • for documentation on RxJS Observable and observable creators.
    • Subscribable interface in XState, which is based on and compatible with RxJS Observable.

    Type parameters


    • observableCreator: (__namedParameters: { input: TInput; self: ActorRef<ObservableSnapshot<TContext, any>, { type: string }>; system: AnyActorSystem }) => Subscribable<TContext>

      A function that creates an observable. It receives one argument, an object with the following properties:

      • input - Data that was provided to the observable actor
      • self - The parent actor
      • system - The actor system to which the observable actor belongs

      It should return a Subscribable, which is compatible with an RxJS Observable, although RxJS is not required to create them.

    Returns ObservableActorLogic<TContext, TInput>